
子供の日に達成!  入館者1000万人 今日5月5日に突破! 岡山県立図書館

入館者1000万人 今日5月5日に突破! 岡山県立図書館
The breakthrough! Okayama Prefectural Library on May 5 today 10 million visitors

Became the expected total number of visitors Okayama Prefectural Library of (Okayama city north district) to break through the one million people to the 5th morning. Speed ​​record of not standing in '10 from opening. Souvenirs and certification is awarded to the visitors of 10 million eyes.

September 2004, the library built in Okayama Municipal Marunouchi site of junior high school. Adjacent to the Korakuen Garden and Okayama Castle, partly conveniently located directly opposite of the prefectural government, use of the residents were strong from the beginning open, the number of visitors was a national top for eight consecutive years in Japan Library Association examined. Number of visitors until April 30 to 9,986,163 people. Average daily visitors of April countdown milestone breakthrough took was 3401 people.
入館者1000万人 今日5月5日に突破! 岡山県立図書館


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