
リユース瓶のお茶販売 温室効果ガス削減期待 岡山大

リユース瓶のお茶販売 温室効果ガス削減期待 岡山大

Tea sales to reduce greenhouse gas emissions expected Okayama Univ of reuse bottle

The Okayama from this month , at the University of reuse in roasted tea bottle " (· Recha is ) fine Re · Tea" Okayama waste management research center to address the promotion of ( re-use ) system reuse eco-friendly ( 220 I started selling milliliters) . In the mechanism that when you return the bottle , ¥ 10 deposit is refunded , greenhouse gas reduction effect can be expected .

We aim to reduce the environmental impact can be used repeatedly . When calculated in terms of carbon dioxide emissions of the greenhouse gas , 440 grams when it is discarded once the bottle . You can use repeated five times , reduce 67% . I was certified "carbon footprint (CFP) communication program" that displays the emissions . Same mark certification of glass bottles that Japan's first .

Planning started with the idea of ​​the university students . In the " countries and Okayama production of fine " you can " reuse " and " tea beverage" , decided by connecting the acronyms naming . Use of low- roasted tea caffeine grown in Maniwa Katsuyama district , it is also considered local production for local consumption . 118 yen one . Sale , to recover only the college student cooperation for the time being , but it also aims expand sales channels in the future .

Yasuhiro Matsui , Associate Professor of the Center said, " recycling is ahead in Japan , you want to . Create opportunities necessary initiatives of reuse Given the environment " he said.
リユース瓶のお茶販売 温室効果ガス削減期待 岡山大




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