Tenryo festival, fireworks ... press sightseeing Mejiro
(Sanyo newspaper)
Celebrated the midsummer day of the 23rd, summer finally production season. In Bitchu area and Kurashiki, fun fireworks event, the Bon dance is milling about the festival Nikake from mid-August weekend. I will introduce the main event that blow off the heat.
■ Kurashiki
◇ 44th Kurashiki Tenryou summer festival
9:30 26 days ago - after 9:30, JR Kurashiki Station. To pedestrian Kurashiki central street from 4:00 later. Performance of Kurashiki Tenryo and drums (5:30) "magistrate Bayashi dance" (6:00), the lock-like "OH!
I unfold magistrate Bayashi dance "and (7:15). There is a final review of Kurashiki Komachi chess tournament, in Ario Kurashiki (Kotobukicho) City Hall in Geibun (center). On the day festival headquarters Kurashiki Chamber of Commerce and Industry (086? 424? 2111), (086? 421? 3062).
◇ 58th Mizushima Port Festival
A few days, Mizushima mall zone. The stage performer by disguise, to wage a total and dance around the shopping street street from the opening 6:00, from 4:00 from 2:30 two days later. During the whole area is decorated with Tanabata decorations citizens has produced, in addition to examination announcement work, finale of 9:00 to rise, such as creative dance contest of "Mizushima dream Koi · Koi!" 3 days. Steering Committee (086 446 1113).
◇ 67th Tamashima Festival
3:00 to 9:00 two days later, JR Okayama new zone. The main stage of the new Kurashiki station road that was to pedestrian, to show off the performance and creative dance "dance in Tamashima Harbor" and (6:00) "total citizen dance" (8:00). A "B-class gourmet Tamashima playoff" is (4:00) In Ekinan park. Satomi River sandbar in (Tamashimaagasaki), set off fireworks of about 3,000 shots from 8:00 after 3 days. Tamashima Chamber of Commerce and Industry (086 526 0131).
◇ summer festival KOJIMA Donkakka
3:40 to 9:00 Two days later, Kojima boat racetrack Kojimamotohama town. Following drum and fife playing local nursery school children, local hero and "JC warrior Kojima Kid" show, dance Folk & Shimotsui clause, Bon Odori traditional "Donkakka". There are also stalls by local organizations. The postponement three days in the case of wet weather. Kojima Junior Chamber of Commerce (086 472 9510).
■ Soja
◇ clear stream Festival
3:00 to 9:00 after 26 days, Takahashi River riverbed ground of Kiyone Kiyone Kaminakashima. I wage a bingo game dance contest by local groups and concert singer Ami Kiyone district from, beverage and confectionery hits. I launch the fireworks of about 1200 shots at the end. Kiyone City Branch (0866? 94? 0111).
◇ summer festival Yamate
6:00 to 9:00 after 26 days, Yamate community center parking Okaya. Local children playing taiko. Grilled ayu, such as stalls lined with red beans. Yamate City Branch (0866? 92? 1241).
◇ Soja citizen Festival Sesshu Festa
4:00 to 9:30 two days later, Takahashi River riverbed ground of Ijirino. 1,200 people dance in unison "total dance", "Etoko 囃 (Baja) Shiodori Contest", and skyrocket 3,000 shots a group of work or school compete for workmanship of creative dance. I also provided the corner that look back at photos and videos a state in which achieved Guinness World Record for "1097 people 1098 leg" at the same ground on July 6. Run Committee (0866 92 1126).
■ Takahashi
◇ Nariwa Atago Fireworks
8:00 to 10:00 after 26 days, Nariwagawa riverbed of Nariwa Shimohara town. And fireworks 12 landscape depicting the Japanese players such as playing an active part in the Major league characters and NHK Taiga Drama of "strategist Kanbee", about two thousand shots fireworks decorate. The dedication Nariwa origin-Btsutyuu Kagura at the venue, you can enjoy co-star with fireworks. Bihoku Chamber of Commerce (0866 42 2412).
◇ cartoon pig picture festival
6:30 to 10:00 after 9 days, cartoon picture of pig park Kawakami town estate steward. Huge picture pig 9 groups such as animated characters in imitation of Aomori "nebuta" is an audience, I parade the whole area. Including stalls, there is also a stage of singer Katsuragi Yuki Kawakami town from Bitchu and drum playing. I prepare the parking lot (500 yen) nearby. Bihoku Kawakami Branch Chamber of Commerce (0866 48 2000).
◇ Bitchu Takahashi Matsuyama dance
7:00 to 11:00 14 to 16 after, and JR Bitchutakahashi Station Boulevard. There is a dance contest from 7:00 each day, dancing children and workplace communication, volunteer organizations compete for beauty. Light up the Bicchu Matsuyama Castle period. Children Ondo (14), dance mechanism (15), is also related events Shoryonagashi (same), enjoying the cool breeze and tea party (16 days). City Tourism Association (0866 21 0461).
■ Niimi
◇ Niimi Furusato Matsuri
6:40 Nine days later, the West, JR Niimi Bahnhofstrasse whole area. Dance communication in the city show off and "Niimi Bayashi". Also stalls the local village gourmet skyrocket about 3,000 shots, such as skewers of beef Senya. Niimi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (0867? 72? 2139).
■ Hayashima-cho
◇ Bitchu Hayashima Summer Festival
4:00 to 9:00 after 9 days of Maegata Machiminami ground. After the opening ceremony of 5:00, Soran Bushi local elementary and junior high school students, and Acer will showcase the stage. Dance contest start to 6:15. There is also a total dance. Set off fireworks minutes to 8:25. Opened by various organizations are lined up. The postponed to the 10th in the case of wet weather. There is no parking. Run committee secretariat (086 482 1511).
2、3日、水島商店街一帯。2日後2時半からオープニング、4時から仮装パフォーマーによるステージ、6時から商店街通りを中心に総おどりなどを繰り広げる。期間中、一帯は市民らが製作した七夕飾りで彩られ、3日は作品の審査発表ほか、9時のフィナーレまで創作ダンス「みずしま夢Koi・Koi!」のコンテストなどで盛り上がる。運営委(086 446 1113)。
2日後3時~9時、JR新倉敷駅前一帯。歩行者天国にした新倉敷駅前通りをメーンステージに、創作ダンスやパフォーマンスを披露する「ハーバーダンスin玉島」(6時)や「市民総おどり」(8時)。駅南公園では「玉島B級グルメ決定戦」(4時)がある。3日後8時からは里見川中州(玉島阿賀崎)で、約3千発の花火を打ち上げる。玉島商工会議所(086 526 0131)。
2日後3時40分~9時、児島元浜町の児島ボートレース場。地元保育園児の鼓笛演奏、ローカルヒーロー「JC戦士コジマキッド」ショーなどに続き、民謡・下津井節、伝統的な盆踊り「どんかっか」を踊る。地元団体による夜店もある。雨天の場合は3日に順延。児島青年会議所(086 472 9510)。
26日後3時~9時、清音上中島の高梁川清音河川敷グラウンド。清音地区出身の歌手あみさんのコンサートや地元グループによる踊りコンテスト、菓子や飲料が当たるビンゴゲームを繰り広げる。最後に約1200発の花火を打ち上げる。市清音支所(0866 94 0111)。
2日後4時~9時半、井尻野の高梁川河川敷グラウンド。1200人が一斉に踊る「総おどり」、職場や学校のグループが創作ダンスの出来栄えを競う「ええとこ囃(ばや)しおどりコンテスト」、3千発の打ち上げ花火など。7月6日に同グラウンドでギネス世界新記録「1097人1098脚」を達成した様子を写真や動画で振り返るコーナーも設ける。実行委(0866 92 1126)。
26日後8時~10時、成羽町下原の成羽川河川敷。NHK大河ドラマ「軍師官兵衛」の登場人物や米大リーグで活躍する日本人選手などを描いた仕掛け花火12景と、打ち上げ花火約2千発が彩る。会場では成羽発祥・備中神楽を奉納し、花火との共演も楽しめる。備北商工会(0866 42 2412)。
9日後6時半~10時、川上町地頭のマンガ絵ぶた公園。青森市の「ねぶた」を模したアニメキャラクターなどの巨大な絵ぶた9基がお目見え、一帯を練り歩く。夜店をはじめ、備中太鼓演奏や川上町出身の歌手葛城ユキさんのステージもある。近くに駐車場(500円)を用意する。備北商工会川上支所(0866 48 2000)。
14~16日後7時~11時、JR備中高梁駅前大通りなど。各日7時から踊りコンテストがあり、子どもや職場、有志団体の踊り連が美しさを競う。期間中は備中松山城をライトアップ。子供音頭(14日)、仕組踊り(15日)、精霊流し(同)、納涼茶会(16日)といった関連イベントもある。市観光協会(0866 21 0461)。
9日後6時40分、西方、JR新見駅前通り一帯。市内の踊り連が「新見ばやし」などを披露。約3千発の打ち上げ花火、千屋牛肉の串焼きなど地元グルメの屋台村も。新見商工会議所(0867 72 2139)。
9日後4時~9時、前潟の町南グラウンド。5時の開会式後、ステージで地元小中学生のソーラン節、エイサーなどが披露される。踊りコンテストは6時15分にスタート。総踊りもある。8時25分から花火を打ち上げる。各種団体による出店が並ぶ。雨天の場合は10日に順延。駐車場はない。実行委事務局(086 482 1511)。