


The beautiful coast Tamano, Shibukawa

The 6th, about 600 people and businesses local residents, maritime officials have worked to clean-up activities in Shibukawa coast of Tamano Shibukawa which declined to sea opening on the 12th.
Implementation (road) Network Promotion Council Meiuchi the "refresh Setouchi" the path of the Seto Inland Sea, sea to make in the coastal municipalities of the Seto Inland Sea. Participants were picked up over a period of about one hour by hand and fire tongs butts piece of wood to fit the gloves, was launched on the beach, candy bag abandoned, empty plastic bottles, tobacco, and burnt embers of the fireworks.
Same activities have been conducted every year since 1993, and part of the "80 Anniversary Seto Inland Sea National Park designation" this year.

posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 23:59| Comment(0) | 玉野・渋川海岸を美しく | 更新情報をチェックする




京都市東山区の建仁寺 栄西

posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 12:49| Comment(0) | 栄西大遠忌記念ふすま絵開眼法要(京都と岡山の絆) | 更新情報をチェックする

「学校応援」を軌道修正 岡山県教委 奨励金交付対象を市町村へ

「学校応援」を軌道修正 岡山県教委 奨励金交付対象を市町村へ

To municipalities to revise Okayama Prefecture Board of Education grant incentives target the "school support"

For "School support business doing its best" of the province to be delivered in a one million yen incentives to elementary and junior high schools that has achieved results, such as academic development, the 4th, county Board of Education revealed the new policy of the municipality for the issuance target . It's was supposed to be paid to the school in the original plan, it was a form that was converted 180 degrees.

The business, which started this year. In the original plan, which is considered by the County Council as the new fiscal year budget, and reduce the problem behavior and academic improvement efforts with excellent primary and secondary schools that were ¥ 1,000,000 directly - was. However, objection and "should be paid to. Municipality unfair payment of at the school level" is ejected from the municipality of some, I came to this course correction.

Item "and municipal spending destination, and deliver good practice to school by way of the municipality" and is a new addition to the draft implementation guidance that has been discussed by county board of education of the day. Also the phrase "selection by receiving a recommendation from municipal board of education in principle" was also added. From efforts of elementary and junior high school all the prefecture, the selection committee is to pick up those excellent - compared to the original plan, and it was a significant change.

In response to opinions and requests from the Board of Education and the "Association of City Mayors, we have added a new item, but the basic stance has not changed. Evaluates the efforts of good practice schools, county board of education to disseminate widely in the prefecture you are going to "believe and that, and you want to connect academic development of the entire county.

In helping to determine the terms and conditions by the middle of this month, held a selection committee in late September. Plans in terms of was determined as good practice schools 20 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, deliver incentives as each one million yen in total 30 million yen in early October.
「学校応援」を軌道修正 岡山県教委 奨励金交付対象を市町村へ









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