
岡山、倉敷 年末年始に出掛けよう =「イオンモール岡山」もいいけど・・

岡山、倉敷 年末年始に出掛けよう

 12月30日まで、倉敷市大畠の同直売所(086 479 7902)。正月用のブリや数の子、ズワイガニ、水揚げしたばかりのシタビラメ(ゲタ)、アナゴなどを販売。前7時半からで、売り切れ次第終了する。悪天候で水揚げがない場合は中止。■干支(えと)のどうぶつ展
 12月27日~1月5日(同1日は除く)、倉敷市阿知の天満屋倉敷店(086 426 2111)5階催場。来年の干支のヒツジをはじめ、十二支全ての動物が登場。モルモットやアルマジロといった小動物と触れ合えるコーナーや、リスザルのえさやり体験、トラやヘビと写真を撮れるブースなどがある。入場料は中学生以上900円、3歳以上600円、2歳以下無料。前10時~後7時(31日は同6時、最終日は同5時まで)。■カウントダウンパーティー
 12月31日後10時、岡山市北区駅元町のホテルグランヴィア岡山(086 234 7000)19階スカイラウンジアプローズ。新年を迎えると同時にスパークリングワインで乾杯。ビールやカクテルなどが飲み放題で、年越しそばが味わえる。ジャズの演奏や宿泊券などが当たる抽選も。参加費6千円。定員70人。■2015プレミアムカウントダウン
 12月31日、倉敷市下津井吹上の鷲羽山ハイランド(086 473 5111)。オールナイトパス(後5時~翌前8時、乗り物料金込み)を発売。後8時からは園内の屋内施設にクラブDJを招き、音楽とダンスで盛り上がる。1月1日前0時からは2千発の花火を打ち上げる。同パスは前売り、当日とも2千円。ニューイヤーパス(1日前1時~8時)も当日のみ千円で販売する。■初春祭
 1月1~3日、岡山市北区の後楽園(086 272 1148)。タンチョウの放鳥(1、3日の前11時~後2時)をはじめ、箏曲の演奏(1日前10時~後2時)、祝賀狂言の上演(2日前11時半と後0時半、鑑賞料500円)、茶会(3日前10時~後3時、茶席料500円)、囃子(はやし)演奏会(同日後1時~3時)などがある。1日は隣接する県立博物館とともに入園・入館が無料。■おかやま城下町物語~冬~烏城初夢まつり
 1月1日前10時~後3時、岡山市北区丸の内の岡山城(086 225 2096)天守閣前広場。剣道スポーツ少年団による初稽古の披露(前10時)、「備前岡山獅子舞太鼓唄保存会」の獅子舞演舞(前11時と後0時半)、岡山城主・宇喜多秀家と妻・豪姫にふんした同市の観光スタッフらによる餅の振る舞い(正午と後2時半)などが繰り広げられるほか、こま回しや福笑いが楽しめる正月遊びのコーナーも設けられる。天守閣が無料開放される。■ニューイヤーコンサート
 1月1日前11時、岡山市中区門田本町の岡山国際ホテル(086 273 7335)1階ロビー。ピアノの角田奈名子さん、バイオリンの中野了さんが新春にちなんだ曲を披露する。鑑賞無料。前6時45分からは、屋上が開放され、初日の出を眺められる。■年始イベント
 1月1~3日、岡山市北区京山の池田動物園(086 252 2131)。各日先着500人に縁起物の二黄卵のゆでたまごをプレゼント。2日後1時からは動物を題材にした「アニマルカルタ大会」がある。3日後3時からはゾウが食べたリンゴに刻まれた数字と当日の入園レシートの番号が一致すると景品が当たる抽選会「アニマルナンバーZOO」も。開園時間は1日が前10時~後4時(入園は同3時)、2日以降は前9時半~後4時半(同3時半)。■招き猫美術館に初もうで
 1月1~31日、岡山市北区金山寺の招き猫美術館(086 228 3301)。別館「○(まる)庵」を1日から本館としてリニューアルオープンし、県内外の大学生やイラストレーターらが招き猫とえとの未(ひつじ)を一緒に描いたイラスト展「吉祥画展」を開催。先着千人に招き猫を描いた「福札」をプレゼントするのをはじめ、招き猫の中におみくじが入った「招き猫おみくじ」(500円)も500個限定で販売する。1~4日はカフェブースを設けるほか、開館時間を午前9時(通常は同10時)に早める。■「第99回院展」岡山会場
 1月2日前9時、岡山市中区浜の夢二郷土美術館(086 271 1000)。先着20人にオリジナルカレンダーをプレゼント。大正ロマンを代表する画家・竹久夢二の作品にちなむグッズを入れた5種類の福袋をそれぞれ3~20袋販売する。■新春もちつき大会&倉敷天領太鼓ニューイヤーコンサート
 1月2、3日、倉敷市本町の倉敷アイビースクエア(086 422 0011)中庭広場。2日前10時~正午に餅つきがあり、つきたてを振る舞う。同11時から二胡演奏会も。3日後1時半~2時半、倉敷天領太鼓によるコンサートがある。いずれも参加無料。■矢立の神事
 1月3日前9時、岡山市北区吉備津の吉備津神社(086 287 4111)。同神社の祭神・吉備津彦命が鬼神「温羅(うら)」を弓矢で倒した伝説に由来する神事で、白羽の矢を放って邪気を払う。■お正月イベント
 1月4日、岡山市北区日応寺の岡山空港。前9時15分と11時20分、国内線2階出発ロビーのキッズスペース前待合所で「宇甘神社獅子舞保存会」による獅子舞の披露がある。同10時半~正午には国内線1階チケットカウンター横で空港職員と地元町内会による餅つきと餅の配布も。送迎デッキが無料開放される。同空港活性化推進委員会(086 294 5299)。
posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:07| Comment(0) | 「岡山ビブレ」 から 「イオンモール岡山」 | 更新情報をチェックする



Mon-ge dialogue and regional challenges thorough discussion

TV Setouchi (TSC, TV Tokyo) to deliver the New Year's holiday, such as discussion program on the theme of period drama and regional issues.
-House produced programs 2 program. Breaking news "thorough discussion of December 29
Crying Out Love in the center of Okayama City "(~ 16:45). About town development of Okayama city center, which is focused on opportunity of large-scale commercial facilities opened in JR Okayama Station south, officials are hotly debated.
The New Year's Day New Year talk "Day rate Mon-ge Okayama" (same 3:30 ~). Maha Harada's writer in authorship of Okayama Prefecture of Yi wood Ryuta governor and the movie "Day Re over Girl" is discuss charm of Okayama.
The attractions of the key station program, New Year's Day is "gluttony world finals!" (Same 6:00 ~). At the second large-eating country tournament, Japan, the United States, China, the four countries of Australia to participate. Japan, which succumbed to the United States in the last tournament to compete is Gal Sone.
January 2 is New Year wide era drama "Oedo dragnet 2015 - Covert concentric, kill the evil!" (Same 6:00 to ~). Popular era drama Covert concentric discard cut the Edo of evil is back for the first time in '23. Including Kōtarō Satomi, Katsunori Takahashi, Norika Fujiwara, Masahiro Matsuoka et al appearance.
Is the 3rd "journey of local bus transit" (same 6:30 ~). Yosuke Tagawa in the first 19 series of the popular series, Yoshikazu Ebisu, in Noritsui the bus from Osaka Castle of 3 people Osaka Marcia, I aim to Kenrokuen of Kanazawa.


岡山は、教育も観光も 課題! (山陽新聞 社説より)

岡山県の観光 “独り負け”立て直さねば
Okayama Prefecture tourism "alone defeated" I must rebuilt

Okayama prefecture of tourists downward trend continued, are losing bidding in neighboring prefectures which has increased -. Bank of Japan Okayama branch has been pointed out in the report of tourism trends. Downturn to Okayama tourism situation it's crisp and emerged dressed.

According to the report, the number of tourists and total tourism consumption amount of Okayama Prefecture is situated on a downward trend as a whole although since peaked in the late 1990s, there is a temporary increase or decrease, tourism industry is sluggish. On the other hand in Hiroshima, in neighboring prefectures such as Kagawa Prefecture has increased the number of tourists is, it can be said to be in the Okayama "alone losing" state.

Okayama, average number of tourists of 1 tourist point that indicates the ability to attract customers is the lowest in the neighboring prefectures, has been overshadowed also satisfaction of tourists. Furthermore brand power of the province, outside the prefecture resident, has remained in the country subordinate to evaluate both of residents.

Hiroshima Prefecture "dear! Hiroshima Prefecture", Kagawa Prefecture "Udon Prefecture," such as aggressive tourism PR strategy, such as large-Sengu and Iwami silver mine World Heritage Site of Izumo Taisha in Shimane Prefecture, in the national transmission of neighboring prefectures buried was also I thought.

Also it's certainly Okayama Prefecture tourism industry is the vulnerable (vulnerable). In the calculations, the total amount of value that was born by tourism is a 275.3 billion yen, it's 3.8 percent of the gross prefectural production. Weight of the tourism industry is small compared to the national (5%). Per capita of tourism revenue amount and \ 45,134, it is 39 in the estimates can be 42 prefectures.

Minute specific gravity of tourism is small, room for growth mean also said that the large, report is seeking an aggressive tourism promotion aimed at economic growth. Rebuilding of the tourism strategy it would be necessary.

According to the Bank of Japan Okayama branch, foreign tourists visiting Japan from abroad surged, in Tokyo and Osaka for consumer confidence is extremely strong have contributed significantly to the push-up of personal consumption. And poised in Okayama, you want to accept the economic effect. For foreign tourists to explore the tourist attractions in the wide area, that a is Okayama's advantageous strategic point of West transportation network.

Uptake is also important for seniors in the aging population. Is referred to as a "natural richness", "history and culture", "hot spring facilities" is important, Okayama also conditions are met. In fact, Yamashiro popular Bicchu Matsuyama Castle (Takahashi), NHK Taiga Drama is Takamatsu Castle (Okayama), such as the rapid increase of tourists of related history and culture that affected, became many sightseeing bus.

However, are in the new attention has been tourist destination not well-equipped and souvenir shops, is pointed out that it does not necessarily take full effect. Collaboration between development and the prefecture tourist destination of acceptance poised to capture the needs are required.
岡山県の観光 “独り負け”立て直さねば









posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:07| Comment(0) | もんげー対談や地域課題徹底討論 | 更新情報をチェックする

株式会社の学校、苦境…定員割れも   岡山 私立中高一貫

株式会社の学校、苦境…定員割れも 岡山 私立中高一貫
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「株式会社立」やめて学校法人に 岡山の中高、経営難で
School Inc., predicament ... capacity cracking also

Ltd. stand school was born in began Special Zones for Structural Reform in the Koizumi administration era.

Management plane in succession of schools that are in dire straits, in some cases the transition to the school corporation obtained a grant from the local governments.

Private middle and high consistency Asahi cram secondary education school in the mountains of Okayama City. Night of mid-November, in the dorm study room adjacent to the school, about 50 people of 1-6 years (medium 1 to high 3) went to the desk. In mathematics tests 1, 2 graders received, and faculty the bar code of the problem you make a mistake to read, similar problem is printed, students re-challenge. It's like a school that thorough iterative learning. First year of Huashan Hideaki Hanayama Hideaki kun (13) "I can understand what a mistake why, it is possible to overcome the weak field".

Weekday morning in the dormitory, one hour before school, night is obliged learning of 2 hours after dinner. I do iterative learning of similar problems in a manner similar to the dormitory at school.

School's predecessor, Asahi Gakuen group 2004 to the school as a base, the country's first Corporation standing junior high school was opened in the special zones. Can not be established a school corporation in assets shortage, old Mito proposed the use of closed school and elementary school (now Okayama City) has managed to opened in that it has been certified in special zones. Get the same group is adjacent land after three years, high school was also established.

Also has its own subjects to feed debate force

In the Zone it is possible to fold the curriculum that features that are not tied to curriculum guidelines, and established its own subject "discussion Department" to feed the debate force. However, the influence and the declining birth rate, there is also the voice of the "Corporation standing school might collapse", capacity cracking was followed. Allows free curriculum other than special zone with the new system, and founded a school corporation that is subject to private school grants of about 100 million yen per year. I became a secondary education school in 11 years.

Also cage students attend from home, the current number of students a total of about 170 people of just under 60% of capacity. In the strict management, each grade 2 class is provided, teachers 2 people responsible for students 5-20.

This spring, 5 graduating class graduation. 40% passed the Kokkoritsudai. 1 inaugural class, Asako Mr. Kurokawa was a job to affiliated organization of Okayama Prefecture from Kagawa Univ. (23) "Ikitodoki teacher's eyes, me riding on empathetic to consultation". Toriumi Toriumi Ju-ji Koji same group Headmaster (80) "it was possible to create a school because there was a special zone. To appeal the appeal and go track record of small education, I want to collect the student" and put the power.

According to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, but Ltd. standing school of special zone was established 35 schools, abolition and 26 schools currently in transition to school corporation. "Although there are examples that led to the activation of the region, challenges in operational aspects are often" ministry and, it is prudent attitude nationwide deployment of Corporation standing school.

"Concern about the stability and continuity" ministry pointed out

Special Zones for Structural Reform is a system to mitigate the regulation of specific areas in the region limited, founded in 2002. In the past, can be installed school was school corporation that owned the school building, school sites, is also recognized Corporation if it meets certain requirements, such as guarantee to rent a long period of time in the special zones. However, recruitment stop, etc. continued, ministry in the investigation of 11 year, pointed out that "stability of education, there is a concern in continuity". On the other hand, there were also cases that achieve education that is featured in the region. I opened scheduled Corporation standing elementary school in Gunma Prefecture in next spring.















posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:06| Comment(0) | 株式会社の学校、苦境…定員割れも   岡山 私立中高一貫 | 更新情報をチェックする




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