<2014衆院選>中盤情勢 1・5区、自民が優位 2・4区、巻き返し図る民主 /岡山
岡山 選挙
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<2014 election> midfield situation 1, District 5, the Liberal Democratic Party is dominant 2-4 district, comeback attempt Democratic (Part 1) / Okayama
In the House of Representatives election in the 14th Tokaihyo, Mainichi is 5 to 7, were carried out telephone special poll in the nation. Interviewed content in addition to the survey results, we analyzed the situation in the prefecture 5 constituency. District 1, 5 wards LDP stands advantage, District 3 is the next generation to lead, District 2 and District 4 is aimed democracy is a comeback. Issue to emphasize those who cited "pension, medical and nursing care, child care," "economic measures" in many cases. Voters are undecided vote destination many, there is a possibility that a change in the situation in the end. [House of Representatives election crew]
◆ 1 district
◇ Aizawa Mr., in each generation penetration
Aizawa, who aim to 10 election, with the thick support systems of companies and organizations, and penetration to dominate in each generation. Liberal Democratic Party, in addition to capturing the next generation and independents to non-Komei, you are getting a great support from voters to focus on economic measures and constitutional amendments. Mr. Takai listed the "opposition coalition" is the Meiji Restoration, firm for more than 80% of the Democratic support layer, has been expected from the layer of interest in nuclear policy and "politics and money". Mukuya Mr. collects the organization vote of communism, as pan of "anti-LDP", aiming to improve visibility.
◆ 2 wards
◇ Mr. Yamashita is one step ahead
Mr. Yamashita is lead, Tsumura Mr. follow. Mr. Yamashita firm your feet with the help of the support group and local legislators, about 70% of the Liberal Democratic Party support layer, has gained about 80% of the support of the New Komeito support layer. Nearly half of the people that emphasizes the "economic measures" in the issue support the Mr. Yamashita. Tsumura Mr. around the election wards complaining the dissemination of corrective and renewable energy of "one strong multi-weak", in addition to the democratic, the Meiji Restoration, also bite into the other opposition parties support layer, such as Social Democratic. In independents have exceeded Mr. Yamashita. Inoue Mr. achieve penetration around the communist support layer.
◆ 3 wards
◇ Hiranuma Mr. thicker support
Supported by high name recognition and strong support organizations, Hiranuma Mr. dominant. Mr. Abe follow. Hiranuma Mr. addition to next-generation support layer, taking in some of the Liberal Democratic Party support layer. Wide range of penetration, such as part of the democratic and Restoration, I'm getting a thick support from more than 50 generations. Abe Mr. gather support around 30-40 generations, but it remains to summarize almost half of the Liberal Democratic Party support layer, not fully hardened also Komei support layer. Profile expansion into such independents layer's challenges. Komatsu said there is support around the 60s, want to work to support the expansion of anti-LDP.
◆ 4 wards
◇ Yuzuki Mr. chasing Mr. Hashimoto
Mr. Hashimoto is slightly lead the Yuzuki Mr..
Hashimoto support organizations and companies took over from the late former Prime Minister Ryutaro father, in addition to the organization, given our best to the organization vote firm such as New Komeito support layer. In support of women slightly higher, "economic measures" is close half of the issue to emphasize.
Yuki said in independents, has gained three candidates most of 40% of the support. "Pension, medical and nursing care, child care" and "economic measures" people to focus is more than 30%, respectively. In addition to the reliable acquisition of the labor union vote, we aim to further support expansion in the independents.
Kakiuchi Mr. does not cut hardened communist support layer, it does not penetrate to think even independents.
◆ 5 wards
◇ Mr. Kato, stable fight
In thick constituency of the Liberal Democratic Party candidate has always been a majority of the valid votes maintenance layer, I show the fight the first time that Mr. Kato has stabilized. Such as Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary as week 2 degrees of Cabinet attendance, after the dissolution of the House of Representatives also has many opportunities to leave the local, you are getting a wide range of support.
In addition to the beauty seen Mr. communist vote, Democratic, but show the spread also to the Meiji Restoration advocate, has been expanded significantly difference in the independents.
<2014衆院選>中盤情勢 1・5区、自民が優位 2・4区、巻き返し図る民主(その1) /岡山
高井崇志 45 (1)維元
向谷千鳥 56 共新
逢沢一郎 60 (9)自前=[公]
山下貴司 49 (1)自前=[公]
津村啓介 43 (4)民前
井上素子 67 共新
阿部俊子 55 (3)自前=[公]
古松国昭 69 共新
平沼赳夫 75 (11)次前
柚木道義 42 (3)民前
橋本岳 40 (2)自前=[公]
垣内雄一 50 共新
美見芳明 57 共新
加藤勝信 59 (4)自前=[公]
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<2014衆院選>中盤情勢 1・5区、自民が優位 2・4区、巻き返し図る民主(その2) /岡山
◇30代が「評価」最多66% 「評価しない」女性は25%
◇反対が賛成上回る 40代除く全ての世代
◇自民トップ、維新後退 20~40代は「なし」4割超
◇「投票行く」88% 無党派層の65%「投票先未定」
<2014衆院選>街頭で 民主党・細野豪志元幹事長 /岡山
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