T-1 Grand Prix of Okayama pickles, to white peach pickles participation
Aims to Japan of pickles "5th T-1 Grand Prix" (run committee sponsored) Shikoku block tournament the 12th in, met at ion Mall Kurashiki Kurashiki. Part 8 points of corporation, pickles personal parts 11 points are exhibited, general customer et al examination. "Okayama Yamau" (Takahashi) two points in the corporation of parts, etc., one point in the individual parts is, decided a national tournament there in Chiba Prefecture in February.
To convey the food culture of the region to the next generation, it has been opened and let's spread the specialty. Block competition, Hokkaido, Tohoku, such as 7 held in the district. The Department of corporation, pickles manufacturers exhibited boast of goods, the best Gold is, pickles dedicated Shirayuki food Tottori factory using Kodama watermelon (Tottori Prefecture) was awarded. Okayama Yamau was a gold medal at pickles using before ripen white peach.
Dried persimmon and pear, such as cherry tomatoes, in the part of the unique pickles are met individuals, Tokushima Prefecture Ishii, Chiharu Iuchi of "bok Na漬 yuzu (citron) taste pepper" was shining in the Grand Prix. Also participated four high school students to learn cooking in Prefectural Tsuyama East High School. Miyamoto Takuma kun was exhibited pickles using miso and yogurt 1 year "By mixing the two of taste, new taste was able to discover," he said.
岡山 漬物のT―1グランプリ、白桃ピクルス出場へ
干し柿や梨、プチトマトなど、個性的な漬物がそろった個人の部では、徳島県石井町、井内千春さんの「チンゲン菜漬 柚子(ゆず)こしょう味」がグランプリに輝いた。県立津山東高校で調理を学ぶ高校生4人も参加。みそとヨーグルトを使った漬物を出品した1年の宮元拓馬君は「二つの味を混ぜることで、新しい味が発見できた」と話した。