
岡山市長「回遊は強いといえず」 =イオンモール岡山 開業後=

岡山市長「回遊は強いといえず」 =イオンモール岡山 開業後=
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Mayor Okayama "It can't be said that the migration is strong."= Okayama of AEON Mall = after opening

On the 25th, a February regular Okayama city council continues making a representative interpellation. Both men of hayashijun (Communist Party) and Hiroshi Miyatake (LDP and independent meeting) took up municipalism in general. About the pedestrian migration situation Okayama of AEON Mall (Kita-ku Shimoishii) started Mayor Masao Omori in December of last year, and which is the after city center, "For person's flow from an ion, still, forcing but, I don't have that.", recognition was indicated. Representatives' interpellation ends in this day, and I enter a personal question from the 26th.
Mr. Miyatake corrected the current state of the city center after the said mall opening. A mayor explained "8 times of 1* and a holiday increased in 2 and four times on weekdays compared with the opening front at a peaceful bridge on the prefectural office street, but also the number of pedestrians wasn't changing at an intersection in front of the Okayama Central Post Office (under the said Nakayama)." based on the newsletter value of the traffic count a city did at the city center in January.
I touched that a coming visitor at the said mall reached 3,900,000 people by for 2 months of opening, and "It was a big plus for a citizen, too, but the case that many people have come from a suburb and out the prefecture was one which involves migration but was not. I'd like to put the policy which will give impetus to activation in the center city from now on into effect." was also stated.
For an investigation to check the trend of the pedestrian after the said mall opening and the car according to city Telecommunications Policy Division, it's put into effect on January the 25th and 29th. A pedestrian was 9, and a car was 7, and I measured.

岡山市長「回遊は強いといえず」 =イオンモール岡山 開業後=

posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:08| Comment(0) | 「岡山ビブレ」 から 「イオンモール岡山」 | 更新情報をチェックする

国公立大2次 岡山大などで始まる / 公立高一般入試 出願受け付け

国公立大2次 岡山大などで始まる / 公立高一般入試 出願受け付け
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It starts at secondary Okayama University of national and public universities.

Even total of 10 universities in 25 days, Okayama, Hiroshima and Kagawa-ken where a secondary test first term schedule of national and public universities has started were tested, and a student preparing for taking an examination challenged the last difficulty aiming at a pass to the school of his choice.
Okayama University Tsushima campus (in Okayama-shi Kita-ku Tsushima), then a student preparing for taking an examination arrived one after another by bus from a little past 7 o'clock a.m.. A foreign language is imposed from this time by nou and the department of science, and a student preparing for taking an examination opens a reference book, the last check. A test of a foreign language and a short essay has started from the said 9:00.
The girl of Joto high school who takes an examination for a department of agriculture (18), "I think you could study hard including English. If it's passed, I'd like to learn aiming at a researcher.", I spoke.
3707 people apply for Okayama University to 1488 numbers to be accepted by 11 departments by the first term schedule. The magnification is same as last year by 2 and five times. There is interview by medicine and a department of dentistry on the 26th.
Okayama prefectural university (Kuboki, Soja-shi) has science, mathematics and a short essay from 10:00am, and 695 people apply to recruitment of 183 people 3 departments, the magnification, 3 and 8 times (last year's 2 and 8 times). The Niimi public large (Nishigata, Niimi-shi), then a short essay has started from 10:30am. 130 people are applying to 40 numbers to be accepted, the magnification, 3 and three times (3 and four times).
Announcement of the result of the examination, the Niimi public large, March 5, Okayama University and a prefectural university are 6 days.
国公立大2次 岡山大などで始まる

公立高一般入試 出願受け付け







posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:07| Comment(0) | 国公立大2次 岡山大などで始まる / 公立高一般入試 出願受け付け | 更新情報をチェックする

岡山魂 山田方谷から学ぼう

岡山魂 山田方谷から学ぼう
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Learn from Okayama soul Hōkoku Yamada

From 2:00 March 4 afternoon as events Okayama Rotary Club (Furuichi Finance Chairman) is anniversary "Rotary Day", Re in San'yoshinbunsha's bold Hall of Okayama, Kita-ku, Yanagimachi Symposium "Su (revived)
Okayama soul! - Will be held learn from Hōkoku Yamada "the (San'yoshinbunsha sponsored).
Hōkoku Yamada (1805-77 years) was carried out the fiscal reform of Matsuyama clan Bicchu in Edo (Takahashi), and played an important role in the shogunate government started Taiseihokan. In Progress, Toru Mr. Nojima of Hotani sixth generation lineal descendants (Urban Renaissance Agency director, front and Treasury Kyushu Finance Director) is "to change the Japan from Okayama Yamada how valley" and entitled to keynote. Okazaki Akira Okayama Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kai cheer Liaison Committee representative to spread Hotani-san), Kojima Mitsunobu Ryobi Holdings chairman (Okayama Domain Gundai Tsuda EiTadashi honor chairman), Bank of China Miyanaga Masato president is Takahashi City founded land performing a panel discussion is joined.
The club to become formed 81 anniversary, held tries to "base" going to create a new Okayama to become a regional and integrated. "Now that the post-war '70 has passed, what you learn in Hotani's," How about Okayama soul "I want to explore whether going to uplift the" and serves as the coordinator Furuichi chairman. Free Join (on application). Inquiry, application Okayama Chamber of Commerce and Industry (086 232 2266, Regional Development Division = weekdays 9:00 to 17:00).
岡山魂 山田方谷から学ぼう

 結成81周年になる同クラブが、地域と一体となって新しい岡山を創造していく“基点”にしようと開催。「戦後70年が経過した今、方谷さんに何を学び、どう『岡山魂』を高揚させていくかを探りたい」とコーディネーターを務める古市会長。参加無料(要申し込み)。問い合わせ、申し込みは岡山商工会議所(086 232 2266、地域振興課=平日午前9時~午後5時)。
山田 方谷(やまだ ほうこく 1805~1877)

 藩主板倉勝静(いたくら かつきよ 1823~1889)のもとで藩政改革を断行し、大きな成功をおさめ、勝静が幕府の老中となると、その政治顧問として幕政にも関与した。
 また、多くの弟子を教え、備中松山藩を支えた多くの人々を育て、河井継之助(かわい つぎのすけ 1827~1868)のように他藩から来遊する者も多かった。

●人格  至誠側怛




 陽明学派 中江藤樹、熊沢蕃山、佐藤一斎、大塩中斎、佐久間象山、高井鴻山


1、幼年時代  1805年 高梁市中井町西方で生まれる。
2、学問修行の時代 1825~1837年
   藩校有終館に入学を許される 21歳
   京都に上り 寺島白鹿について学ぶ 23才

   江戸へ下り 佐藤一斎塾で学ぶ 30才
3、有終館学頭の時代 1837~1849年
   邸を御前丁に賜り、60石を給せられる。 この時32才
   翌年(1838) 藩学教授の傍ら家塾「牛麓舎」を開く
   1842年 桑名藩から勝静公を養子として迎える

4、藩政参加の時代 1849~1868年
   方谷先生を召して、元締役兼吟味役に任じる 45才
   藩政改革に着手(1850) 46才

   長瀬に住宅を建てて移る(1859) 55才 河井継之助来る。
   勝静公再び奏者番兼寺社奉行となり、方谷はその顧問となる 57才

   1868年「明治元年」戊辰の役起こる 64才

5、晩年 1869~1877年
   長瀬塾を開く 明治二年 65才
   明治三年十月 小阪部に移り「小阪部塾」を開く
   明治六年 閑谷学校に赴き督学にあたる 69才
   1877年 「明治十年六月二十六日」小阪部で没す。 73才
posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:06| Comment(0) | 岡山魂 山田方谷から学ぼう | 更新情報をチェックする




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