
プログラミングコンテストやハッカソンが花盛り 「データシティ―岡山」を

プログラミングコンテストやハッカソンが花盛り 「データシティ―岡山」を
Programming Contest and Hackathon is flowering "data City - Okayama" the

2014 is, contests and Hackathon that programming is involved be held many, seems both was success. Also will have a lot of events will be held in 2015.

It is not only in the field of programming, but participation in the contest, will be the opportunity of looking to show off their skills and work. It is effective to enhance the motivation to keep skills up and works building. If if winning, not only lead to a great pleasure, social evaluation is also obtained.

On the other hand, also for the side to hold a contest, it is possible to be public the specific technology and ideas, you will be able to or obtained excellent you can discover the human resources, the tips of new products and services. Also, if the contest itself is accustomed to topic, you will be expected to increase awareness and market expansion in the market for its technology and themes.

Interestingly, simply rather than compete for the programming of technology, to say even with the business model, is that a growing number of cases that can compete for use of the idea of the program. Moreover, not only IT-based companies and community, general companies and government agencies, such as local governments have been conspicuous case to hold a contest.

For example, last year the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and open data distribution Promotion Consortium, has conducted the "open data app contest". Open data seven demonstration experiment is to provide it is (municipality administrative information, tourist information, disaster prevention information, public transportation information, etc.) application development contest the use of the theme of. Kanazawa and Okayama, as in Yokohama, you can appeal the attractiveness of the region, also have increased municipalities citizens and tourists to practice the development contest of convenient-to-use app.

The Tokyo Metro is to publish such as subway train position and delay time as open data, we held a contest of apps using this data. Would aim is to explore what leverage is possible if you have public information such as the train as open data (related article: Tokyo Metro "open data contest", application of 281)
プログラミングコンテストやハッカソンが花盛り 「データシティ―岡山」を






posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:07| Comment(0) | 岡山発アプリ | 更新情報をチェックする


スマホ、もう落とさない 守護神「リング型ストラップ」いろいろ(サンワサプライ/本社:岡山県岡山市)

スマホ、もう落とさない 守護神「リング型ストラップ」いろいろ(サンワサプライ/本社:岡山県岡山市)

Recently, and for fall prevention of smartphones and tablet devices, but the strap is the popular ring type through a finger. Also between the hole without iPhone users through a string of straps, some people that are utilized in the plus to the body cover with a hole in the strap that often.

Nowadays ring type products have been around for many, but products that became popular in the previous cliff "bunkering (Sanwa / Headquarters: Okayama, Okayama Prefecture)" it. At first glance the similar products also likely hook to the home center and is, in repeatedly pasted possible ring, set in the back, such as smart phones when using. Load capacity 4 kg. Therefore, even I can use in tablet type terminal. Also, if the adhesive force weakens, recovery in the wash. Ring is rotated 360 degrees, it's can also be used as a stand if Orimagere. It is also going to pay attention outside, mom some smartphones and tablet type terminal also be a likely drop as well, but likely to need to have firmly if there is the same commodity. Price is 1,890 yen.

As originally product name, had been sold as a strap for digital camera "wooden camera strap minimo (Minimo, 1,050 yen / Photo Life Laboratory Youth / Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture)" also, important for the wooden with natural feeling it is popular and not even scratched smartphone. Trees that have been used, three of hard maple that Thao native to Indonesia, rosewood, and the sap is the raw material of maple syrup. Also, because it uses the natural wood, product all have different subtle texture, "I only gem" image also seems to boost the popularity. Load capacity of 400 grams or less.

Classy, also ring type that strike a mood such as quality. Tochigi Leather × Japan Quality, is a masterpiece of craftsmanship "domestic Tochigi Leather Co. cowhide specifications and leather mobile phone strap (1,575 yen / Hamee · Hummy, Odawara, Kanagawa Prefecture)" also, Rashiku natural materials, no two in the world looks, texture of goodness, on never put scratches on the smartphone is made of all leather, it's popular and is excellent in durability. Ring of the form, but there are two kinds of circular Short and a circular ring type.

Smartphone, tends to increase with the size of solid or visibility of the feature will be large, in some cases difficulty or ease of drop has become a problem. In the future, it might be going to become a presence that come in handy merchandise for fall prevention that said this.



 本来は商品名の通り、デジタルカメラ用のストラップとして販売されていた「木製カメラストラップ minimo(ミニモ、1,050円/フォトライフラボラトリーユース/福岡県福岡市)」も、ナチュラル感のある木製のため大切なスマートフォンにキズもつかないと好評だ。使用されている樹木は、インドネシアに自生するサオ、ローズウッド、そして樹液がメイプルシロップの原料となるハードメイプルの3種。また天然木を使用しているので、商品は全て微妙に風合いが異なっており、“私だけの逸品”イメージも人気を後押ししているようだ。耐荷重は400グラム以下。

 高級感、上質といったムードを醸し出すリング型もある。栃木レザー×ジャパンクオリティ、職人技の逸品である「国産栃木レザー社製牛革仕様・本皮携帯ストラップ(1,575円/ Hamee・ハミィ・神奈川県小田原市)」も、天然素材らしく、世界に2つとないルックス、手触りの良さ、オール革製でスマートフォンにキズつけることはない上に、耐久性にもすぐれていると人気だ。リングの形は、だ円形のショートタイプと円形のリングタイプの2種ある。

posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 07:07| Comment(0) | 岡山発アプリ | 更新情報をチェックする


岡山発 忙しい主婦を助ける「献立作成サービス」 アプリ (ドコモ・イノベーションビレッジ グランプリを受賞)

岡山発 忙しい主婦を助ける「献立作成サービス」me:new(ミーニュー)

Recipe suggestion app ‘Me:new’ wins Docomo Ventures’ second demo day

Docomo Ventures, the investment arm of Japan’s leading mobile telecom, held a demo event this week, where they showcased six startups from the second batch of their incubation program. Recipe suggestion app ‘Me:new’ won the top award and was the audience favorite at the event. Here’s a quick rundown about on how these startups have cultivated their ideas over the past several months.

(NTT Docomo CEO Kaoru Kato, Me:new’s Nobuyuki Miyake)

Me:new won a trip to Silicon Valley, as well as arranged appointments with investors there. The demo was presented by founder and CEO Nobuyuki Miyake and by certified dietitian Keiko Hori who supervises recipes.

Busy families often need to think carefully about what they cook. Me:new (a name likely derived from the word ‘menu’) proposes what you should cook for the next seven days, thus saving you time. Depending on what you choose to cook, the app will tell you what you need to buy at the supermarket so that you can easily see what you need to pick up in one trip, rather than make multiple trips as you might without such planning.

The company plans to acquire 8 million users in the next three years. It will take a monthly subscription fee paid by premium users, projected to be 5% of its user base. For additional revenue streams, they will consider an online meal ordering service, advertising, and partnership with online healthcare services.

Me:new’s Nobuyuki Miyake and Keiko Hori




(NTTドコモ代表取締役 加藤薫氏、ミーニュー 三宅伸之氏)

me:new(ミーニュー)はシリコンバレーへの渡航と、当地の投資家とのアポイントメントを含むツアーを受賞した。デモは、創業者兼CEO の三宅伸之氏と、レシピを監修する管理栄養士の堀敬子氏によって行われた。



ミーニュー 三宅伸之氏、堀敬子氏

岡山市北区津島中1-1-1  岡山大インキュベータ113号




献立作成サービス「ミーニュー」に新機能-岡山のIT企業が開発  /起業を後押し、年650万の生活費支給へ…政府
posted by 岡山パワーズ(okayama_powers)  at 23:55| Comment(0) | 岡山発アプリ | 更新情報をチェックする




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