
商店街で土曜夜市楽しもう (夏恒例の「土曜夜市」が岡山市中心部の3商店街) 「妖怪ウォッチ」のもんげーの街 岡山

商店街で土曜夜市楽しもう (夏恒例の「土曜夜市」が岡山市中心部の3商店街) 「妖怪ウォッチ」のもんげーの街 岡山

「もんげーの街」 岡山 

【TVCM】『妖怪ウォッチ2 元祖/本家』コマさんもんげー篇
Enjoy Saturday night market at the mall
(3 shopping district of Okayama city center of summer is the annual "Saturday Night Market")

Goldfish scooping and shooting of nostalgia old days under the arcade? While the hot day continues, the annual summer "Saturday Night Market" is started in three shopping district of Okayama city center. Starting with Ekimaecho of the 28th, I followed Hokan town of July 5, the table of the same town on the 19th. In addition to old-fashioned stalls, events and the sale of food and drink is also varied. I will introduce the main dates and events.
Okayama mall (Kita Ekimaecho)
In addition to yo-yo fishing goldfish salvation, of shooting, a lot of fireworks and beetle hits, catching of fish and shellfish, and live jazz. Low-malt beer of the original "ALWAYS
Sale "AtsushiRa as well as (back) pig baked" skewers and Okamugi legend ". Gotochi hero dressed young staff of the mall to (droppings) "MOMO ☆ KID" also appear. 16:00 to 8:00. Same mall promotion association us (086 222 4106).
Hokan town shopping center (Kita Hokan Town)
Yo-yo fishing, scooping goldfish and community facilities and Hokan Libra around town, about 40 store popcorn, cotton candy, and beer appeared. There is also a live female singer-Tama-chan popular local. The July 5 to sell cheaper food and clothing from 10:00 to "Hokan hundred fair". There is a stage and stalls of local summer festival in the "Roman tick Hokan Festival" is the 26th. 17:30 to 8:00 (the 26th is the 3:00 to 9:00). Libra us (086 252 1491).
Omote-machi mall (Kita Table Town)
Conducted in seven town July 19 of the mall, which consists of eight town. Ice sculpture competitions, and live food begins in the Nakano-cho-cho new Saidaiji from 15:00. Sales sake and beer, Ushikushi, and Frankfurt in Shitano town and Saidaiji town from the 5:00. Kamiyacho and Sakae-held shooting and goldfish salvation, such as quoits "Come alley (alley)" on. Some of the participants free "Children karaoke competition" in Jonomachi from the same 6:00. Nakano town also held August 2. Omote-machi mall Federation of us (086 226 2290).
商店街で土曜夜市楽しもう (夏恒例の「土曜夜市」が岡山市中心部の3商店街)

 岡麦伝説」や串焼き「温羅(うら)豚焼き」なども販売。商店街の青年部員が扮(ふん)するご当地ヒーロー「MOMO☆KID」も登場する。午後4時~8時。問い合わせは同商店街振興組合(086 222 4106)。
 コミュニティー施設・奉還町りぶら周辺などにヨーヨー釣り、金魚すくい、ポップコーン、綿菓子、ビールなど約40店が登場。地元で人気の女性シンガー・たまちゃんのライブもある。7月5日は午前10時から衣料や食品を割安で売る「奉還百縁日」。26日は地元の夏祭り「浪漫ティック奉還祭」でステージや屋台がある。午後5時半~8時(26日は同3時~9時)。問い合わせはりぶら(086 252 1491)。
 8カ町で構成する商店街のうち7月19日は7カ町で実施。午後3時から新西大寺町で氷彫刻の大会、中之町では飲食やライブが始まる。同5時からは西大寺町と下之町でもビールや地酒、牛串、フランクフルトなどを販売。栄町と紙屋町は金魚すくいや射的、輪投げなどの「らっしゃい小路(こみち)」を開催。同6時からは上之町で参加無料の「こどもカラオケ大会」がある。中之町は8月2日も開催する。問い合わせは表町商店街連盟(086 226 2290)。

「もんげーの街」 岡山 

To the whole country from "Mon-ge" reinstatement Okayama valve: Yokai Watch

Dialect, which means there while forgotten locally Okayama Prefecture to "tremendous," "Mon-ge" is reinstated thanks to the popular game of "ghost watch" is to penetrate into the center the children and young people. Anime that began broadcasting in TV Tokyo in January this year, the specter of character top dog "frame-san" is a string of "Mon-ge". Surpass Okayama valve of the same meaning "Dere" and "Bokkeー" now, name recognition's national level.

"Mon-ge" is used in primarily in the Kennan and Kurashiki According to the dialect collection of Okayama Prefecture. According the author, such as "Okayama valve JAGA!", Mr. Toru Aoyama (64), a survey of the frequency of use that have been made about 30 years ago 20% 70% Bokkeー ▽ ▽ ▽ Dere Mon-ge 1 split. In recent years, a decrease in awareness was prominent voice of "news to me is Mon-ge" and asked the official Twitter of Okayama muttered about the local dialect.

However, tweets With the start of anime broadcasting, "son to blast the" Mon-ge "" to Twitter "Mon-ge is raining" and appeared. When you aggregate the tweets of one month of May this year in real-time search information search site of "Yahoo", "Mon-ge" will leap to the top cases in 3832 (47%), the "Bokkeー" 2728 review (1605 of 33%), "Dere" (both) including similar notation was (20%).

According to the development company, was focused on "Mon-ge" The word of the scenario writer of the game "interesting dialect is in the Okayama" and an opportunity. No relevance to Okayama and frame's, but was adopted in order to to have a feature to words as character (charming) certain charm. In addition, "tampering associated'm amazed Mon-ge", etc. (I was surprised as hell), Mr. frame is often used in set are often used in Shizuoka and Yamanashi as "vine" and "Mon-ge," but this "vine" is also simplicity that regardless of the region in order to emphasize the.

Aoyama's are pleased "" Mon-ge "was revived thanks to the frame's. Glad to have me paying attention to Okayama valve" he said.

◇ specter Watch

For Nintendo 3DS role-playing game game software development company in Fukuoka City "Level Five" was developed. In the story the main character is friends with monsters, I also became a manga and anime to the original game. According to the company's public relations, and sales of 100 million copies total at the end of May, and is said to be the hit of the "Pokemon" since in the industry.
毎日新聞 2014年06月17日
妖怪ウォッチ:「もんげー」復権 岡山弁から全国へ








【TVCM】『妖怪ウォッチ2 元祖/本家』コマさんもんげー篇




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