
東日本大震災被災地の現状を報告 岡山 おかやまコープ

東日本大震災被災地の現状を報告 岡山 おかやまコープ
祈り 震災20年 a.jpg
Report Okayama Okayama Cope the current state of the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster area

Co-op Co-op Okayama (Okayama, Kita-ku, Hokan Town) leads the staff of the 19th, shortly international medical volunteer · AMDA that efforts to reconstruction in the Great East Japan Earthquake of affected areas to welcome the four years (same Ifuku Town), current status and future I learned about the necessary support.
Cope Higashikawara shop at (city Naka-ku Higashikawara), union members 30 people Okayamahigashi area participated. Kayo's valley of AMDA Secretary General Assistant (40), told vacation Mr. Sugaya to continue the activities in the affected areas (24).
Sugaya's, in Iwate Prefecture Otsuchi of activity base, pointed out that the withdrawal of the elderly living in the population decline and temporary housing by immigration parenting generation has become a problem. Remaining young child care consultation for generations, cooking for the elderly, organized and sports classroom, it was explained that it is working to resolve.
Valley san, volunteers dispatched to engage in reconstruction events, AMDA headquarters was reported on support make such purchase of Fukushima rice undergoing reputational damage in the nuclear accident.
Okayama city of housewife (45) said, "you want to help can. Myself found challenges of worries and reconstruction of the affected areas residents".
東日本大震災被災地の現状を報告 岡山 おかやまコープ

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